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Side by Side Extra 2- Book + eText STUDENT (12-month access) - ISBN 9780132458856 (couverture rouge)

Description rapide

student book
53,77 $

Disponiblité: En stock


Teach with Side by Side Extra - a dynamic, all-skills program that builds students' general language proficiency.

Captivate your students with life skills learning. Side by Side Extra offers a focus on a conversational approach and real situations to engage students.

This book is ideal for visual learners and for teachers who wish to maximize their teaching time.

This product includes:

Student Book

eText STUDENT (12-month access)

Informations complémentaires

Code Barre 9780132458856
Code Fournisseur 3247
Code Produit Fournisseur 9780132458856
Collection Non
Éditeur Non
Parution Non
Auteur Non
Résumé Non

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